Kick-off event Cancer

Kick-off Event: Consultation meeting with French Funders (February 2022)

14 February 2022 10:00

The objective of this meeting was to present the IntelComp project to the main French funders of research on Cancer and to offer them the opportunity to participate in the health Living Lab. This event was also the time to collect theirs needs regarding this Living Lab.

The first event (kick-off) involving external stakeholders took place online on February 14, 2022 from 10:00 to 12:00 AM.

The participants of this event were representing all the main French funders of research on Cancer.

This event was hosted by Hcéres team who took charge of the entire presentation following this agenda:

1.            Tour de table - introduction of participants.

2.            Presentation of the IntelComp project.

3.            Presentation of the living lab and how to participate.

4.            Questions and answers on the project and the living lab.


Presentation used on this workshop can be found here.