
Unraveling Innovation Pathways: The OpenAIRE Graph in STI Policy - the IntelComp Case Study”

Webinar “Unraveling Innovation Pathways: The OpenAIRE Graph in STI Policy - the IntelComp Case Study”

During the webinar we will explore the OpenAIRE graph as a tool for evidence-based science, technology, and innovation (STI) policies, using insights from the IntelComp project.

IntelComp Information Event New Era

Information Day on a new era of STI policy making with AI

Event dedicated to present IntelComp results and facilitate interaction and discussion among relevant stakeholders on the opportunities brought about by the implementation of AI in policy making, its gradual introduction from the beginning and the risks associated with them.
Cancer Living Lab Final Event

Cancer Living Lab - Final Event

The objective of this last event of the Cancer Living Lab involving external stakeholders was to present the application of the Interactive Model Trainer tool to define domain corpus and topic modelling, and to present the STI Viewer tool applied to cancer data with a focus on projects funded by the EU.

IntelComp AI Living Lab - Final Event

IntelComp AI Living Lab - Final Event

Get acquainted with all the activities that have been developed within the AI LL related to the project, to practically demonstrate some newly designed tools (such as the STI Participation Portal), and to assess the potential real-world applications of the IntelComp project in the near future.
National Library of Greece

National Greece Info Day

The conference focused on the contribution and contribution of Science - Technology - Innovation (STI) on the way to national adaptation and management of the effects of Climate Change.

IntelComp 3rd General Assembly

IntelComp Third General Assembly

 The IntelComp project, a competitive intelligence Cloud/HPC platform for AI-based STI policy making, celebrated last 10th-11th of October its 3rd General Assembly in Madrid, which was hosted by the coordinator, FECYT. The meeting gathered the consortium of this H2020 project which is approaching the end and allowed partners to share the progress and lessons learned.


IntelComp Climate Change Living Lab “Agri-Food: Indicators, Trends, Publications and Innovation”

This workshop focused on the “Agri-food: Indicators, Trends, Publications and Innovation” and took place on Thursday, 5th of October 2023. The workshop was organized by ATHENA RC and is part of the Adaptation to Climate Change Living Lab.

IntelComp AI Living Lab - STI Viewer workshop

IntelComp AI Living Lab - STI Viewer workshop

Last September 27th a session of the STI Viewer tool took place in the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), under Artificial Intelligence Living Lab which is leading by t

Open Science Fair Madrid Announcement

INTELCOMP partnering project in Open Science Fair 2023

IntelComp will be a partner of one of the most important events of Open Science, the Open Science Fair 2023 which next 25-27 September will celebrate its 4th edition. Under the title ‘Charting the course: reimagining Open Science for next generations’, OS FAIR 2023 aims to bring together and empower ope

Technical Meeting Athena

Technical Meeting Athena

The fifth IntelComp technical meeting took place in Athens on July 6 and 7, 2023, bringing together more than 20 participants from the different partners of the consortium. Close to the end of the project, during the meeting the progress made in the last months was analyzed, and the priorities that will guide the work during the last six months were established.

Health Living Lab - IMT Workshop

Health Living Lab - IMT Workshop

The Health Living Lab celebrated last 26th of June its face-to-face Interactive Model Trainer (IMT) workshop focused on the Cancer field. The Health Living Lab is coordinated by Hcéres, the French High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education.

Agri-food: Indicators, Trends, Publications and Innovation

CLIMATE CHANGE LIVING LAB: STI Viewer Workshop - Agri-food

H2020 IntelComp project aims to deliver a platform that provides tools for assisting the whole s

LL AI IMT workshop

Artificial Intelligence Living Lab: Interactive Model Trainer workshop

One of Intelcomp's tools is the Interactive Model Trainer (IMT), which is the heart of the platform. The IMT is a tool specifically designed for training Artificial Intelligence models, enabling a user-in-the-loop approach that allows the incorporation of domain-specific expert knowledge into the models.

IntelComp Living Lab Climate Change_23_03_2023_header


The workshop of the Adaptation to Climate Change Living Lab, organized by ATHENA RC, took place on Wednesday 22nd of March 2023 and gave the chance to participants to familiarize with the STI Viewer, an Interactive AI-assisted, data and visualization platform for

Technical Meeting Barcelona

4th Technical Follow-up Meeting of Intelcomp

The fourth technical follow-up meeting of the IntelComp project took place in Barcelona on March 16 and 17. During the meeting, the status of the main tools that will make up IntelComp's platform for evidence-based policy making was reviewed: the data catalogue, STI Viewer, Interactive Model Trainer, Evaluation Workbench, and Graph Visualizer.

2nd General Assembly

IntelComp Second General Assembly

The consortium of IntelComp has celebrated its second General Assembly in Viena. The event has gathered all partners to make an overview of the project and establish next steps for the coming year.


Data for Policy 2022

Intelcomp will be presented at the Data for Policy 2022 Conference "Ecosystems of innovation and virtual-physical interactions" in Brussels, Belgium, on December 13, at the panel ‘Data-driven Transformations in Policy and Governance’.

LL Climate Change Workshop

Living Lab Climate Change Workshop "IntelComp STI Viewer tool for Academia & Industry"

On the 08th of December 2022, a workshop of the Adaptation to Climate Change Living Lab took place, titled "IntelComp STI Viewer tool for Academia & Industry".


EOSC Symphosium 2022

The innovative tools of Intelcomp were presented by our partner Athena Research Center at the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Symposium 2022 in the session “Contributions to the EOSC MVE beyond EOSC Future and the INFRAEOSC07”. This session presented 8 talks describing a variety of

Intelcomp Technical Meeting Barcelona

Intelcomp Technical Meeting Barcelona

On November 8 and 9, IntelComp held a technical meeting hosted by Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) to discuss various issues related to the integration of IntelComp components, and their deployment on the infrastructure that BSC has designed for the project.


OpenAIRE Open Access Week

OpenAIRE, partner of IntelComp, has organized the International Open Access Week; A series of activities to highlight its continuous engagement with Open Access and Open science honouring this year’s theme “Open for Climate Justice”.

AI living lab kick-off event

October 24. AI living lab kick-off event

IntelComp has celebrated its Artificial Intelligence Living Lab kick-off event at the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) in Alcobendas, Madrid. 53 people have attended the talks, organised by SEDIA (the Spanish Ministry for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence), whose common thread has been the Artificial Intelligence.

EGI Conference Workshop

EGI Conference - Workshop ""Disruptive technologies accelerating data-driven policymaking in the public sector"

This year’s EGI Conference, hosted by EGI and CESNET, took place on 20-22 September 2022 in Prague.


Eu-SPRI 2022 Forum

 IntelComp project was presented at the EuSPRI-Forum conference in Utrecht on Wednesday, 1 June.

Kick-off event Cancer

Kick-off Event: Consultation meeting with French Funders (February 2022)

The objective of this meeting was to present the IntelComp project to the main French funders of research on Cancer and to offer them the opportunity to participate in the health Living Lab. This event was also the time to collect theirs needs regarding this Living Lab.


Consultation Workshop on Climate Change and Blue Growth: The Mediterranean Sea Group

In this Preparatory Living Lab (PLL) we will direct our focus on the industry sector and aim to address questions such as what are the pathways for implementing new innovation/research into the activities of the business (where do you look for new research/for adopters of your research, for policies/ISO regulations and in how many EU-funded projects have you participated).

Energy sea

Consultation Workshop on Climate Change and Energy: The Black and Caspian Sea Group

Focus on the energy sector and aim to address questions such as what someone needs to know on renewable sources of energy and LNG to make a decision or what are the major risks for smart grid applications.

Policy Cloud

Evidence Based Policymaking in Europe Summit 2021

The convergence of Cloud, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence has already resulted in major transformation across Government services, yet the process of policy making itself is often left behind.

EGI 18-22 October 2021

EGI Conference - Workshop “Initiatives for better evidence-based policies in the Public sector”

Public authorities need innovative tools to develop better evidence-based policies. Citizens and Business should be involved in this process to better inform policy-making and to increase the trust in the authorities and the policies acceptance. Shared data, analytics and cloud improve policy making at all levels, national and local.

Mediterranean Group

Consultation Workshop on Climate Change and Blue Growth: The Mediterranean Group

The Mediterranean Group of the Preparatory Living Lab Workshops of the IntelComp project came together on Friday the 30th July 2021, and discussed about the source of data they use for their work and what is missing to further improve their work.

Follow Up Kick Of LL Climate Change

IntelComp project – Preparatory Living Lab workshops on Sustainable Blue Growth under Climate Change

It was great meeting you all at the kick-off meeting of the Preparatory Living Lab workshops on Sustainable Blue Growth under Climate Change as part of the IntelComp project funded by Horizon 2020 on Monday 28th April 2021.

Consultation Workshop Artificial Intelligence

Consultation Workshop on STI Policy Needs. Domain: Artificial Intelligence

On June 8th 2021, the IntelComp Project organized one virtual Consultation Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policies in the Artificial Intelligence domain, dedicated to exploring the needs of STI policy makers and policy stakeholders in this domain.

Stakeholder Consultation Climate Change

Stakeholder Consultation on STI Policy Needs. Domain: Climate Change

On June 15th 2021, the IntelComp Project organized one virtual Consultation Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policies in the Climate Change domain, dedicated to exploring the needs of STI policy makers and policy stakeholders in this domain.

Consultation Workshop Health

Consultation Workshop on STI Policy Needs. Domain: Health-Cancer

On June 10th 2021, the IntelComp Project organized one virtual Consultation Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policies in the Health-Cancer domain, dedicated to exploring the needs of STI policy makers and policy stakeholders in this domain.