IntelComp AI Living Lab - Final Event
Last November 27, the closing event of the activities of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Living Lab led by the Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (SEDIA) took place. The event started at 9:30 a.m. and closed at 12:00 p.m. and was held in person at the headquarters of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and gave the option to follow it online.
The final event had three main objectives:
- To present a balance of the Living Lab activities during the IntelComp project, as well as the project's achievements and technological challenges addressed.
- To present the STI Participation Portal tool, including a practical demonstration of its main functionalities.
- To consider the sustainability and exploitation possibilities of IntelComp in the future.
The event, for which more than 35 attendees registered, began with a brief opening by Almudena Claudio, Director of Technological Innovation and Digitalization at FECYT, and then gave way to the presentations planned for the session which were led by different IntelComp partners. Firstly, presentations related to the role of the Living Labs were made. First of all, Dietmar Lampert from the Vienna Center for Social Innovation briefly commented on the role of co-creation and the justification of the Living Labs as the main vehicle in the context of the IntelComp project. Immediately, David Gago, coordinator of the AI Living Lab from SEDIA, assessed the main activities carried out by the Living Lab IA.
In addition, David Gago also presented the main characteristics of the STI Participation Portal tool, which has just been designed, and allows feedback from civil society on various aspects of AI and its relationship with the science, technology, and innovation policies collected, in a survey that is included in the tool; also he performed a demonstration of its main functionalities, emphasizing its connection with the STI Viewer tool, aimed for decision-makers for public policies.
After the demonstration, a large block was opened in which Jerónimo Arenas-Garcia, IntelComp Technology Coordinator from Carlos III University, addressed the main challenges of the project from a technological point of view, as well as the ways to address them. On the other hand, Joseba Sanmartín, IntelComp Coordination from FECYT, gave a brief review of the main milestones achieved; and Daniel Jiménez, IntelComp Exploitation Manager from NTT DATA, presented an analysis of the exploitation scenarios of the IntelComp tools that are opened once the project comes to an end.
María Barroso, from SEDIA, was in charge of the last presentation in which all attendees could know the SEDIA's vision of IntelComp and the support that it will provide to the project after its closure.
Timing |
Agenda topic and speakers |
09:30 – 09:45 |
Welcome, openings and presentations
09:45 – 10:05 |
The role of co-creation in the IntelComp LL activity |
10:05 – 10:25 |
STI Participation Portal & STI Viewer: brief demo
10:25 – 11:10 |
IntelComp: Technological Breakthroughs, Main Achievements & Sustainability Approach
11:10-11:20 |
11:20-11:30 |
Q&A and closing remarks
11:30-12:00 |
Coffee and networking |