Cecilia Cabello Valdés

DG RTD, European Commission


C. Cabello Valdés is Policy Officer in DG Research & Innovation at the European Commission at the Unit Country Intelligence and European Semester. She holds a Master of Science degree in Science, Society and Technology Studies from the Madrid Autonomous University (Spain) and a Bachelor of Science in Food Science from Michigan State University (USA). She has professional experience as coordinator and supervisor in various S&T policy areas, with expertise in R&I policy, evaluation and STI indicators. She previously worked at the Spanish Foundation for S&T (FECYT) directing various departments in the areas of Science & Society, R&I Indicators Policy Monitoring, Scientific Information & Infrastructures, Researcher careers and development, Science diplomacy and International projects. She currently is the Chair of the OECD NESTI Working Party (National Experts for S&T Indicators).