Dr. Sergio Di Virgilio

DG RTD, European Commission


Sergio is Docteur ès Sciences (D.Sc.) in Molecular Glycobiology and Bioengineering he is also a Chemical Engineer specialized in Industrial Environmental Remediation and Management (DESS). He joined the European Commission 20 years ago where he held various positions as Scientific Officer, Team Leader, Head of Sector and acting Head of Unit in Projects Management, Dissemination and Exploitation of research results using Advanced Analytics and Advanced Visualization, Big Data and AI techniques to promote and support evidence-based policymaking. 

Back in 2015 he developed one of the first EC text-mining tool for semantic insight from multi-data sources to augment EU research portfolio. He is exploring new methodologies and monitoring tools in the context of public administration. Currently he is Policy Analyst within the Common Knowledge and Data Management Unit of Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. He is also member of the DG RTD AI Task Force and the AI@EC Network.

Before joining the European Commission, he held several positions in R&D and Clinical Pharmacology for multinational pharmaceutical companies on central nervous system and endocrinology therapeutic aeras while he also prototyped the first e-Data Management Clinical Studies. He started his professional career following a degree in physico-chemistry and biochemistry doing research in molecular modelling and molecular linguistic, cancerology, parasitology, and teaching activities at eight Universities and research centres across Europe, Middle East, and United States.