
The IntelComp platform supports the deployment of three end-user tools:

STI Viewer

The target audience of this tool are STI policy analysts who can explore, compare and visualize a comprehensive set of indicators for the agenda setting and the monitoring & evaluation stages of the STI policy cycle. These indicators are calculated using the text analysis services  supported by the IntelComp platform (See Part 2 of this document).


STI Participation Portal

The target audience of this tool are STI policy officer who can, jointly with policy stakeholders from academia, industry and citizen associations, visualize a synthetic list of indicators for the agenda setting and the monitoring & evaluation stages of the STI policy cycle. This tool includes a portal to solicit the opinions, learn from the knowledge of more – and different types of – people in the STI system and involve them in policy making processes.

Evaluation Workbench

This tool assists call managers at STI funding agencies in the ex-ante evaluation of proposals for funding, who can search similar documents, automatically classify the proposals or detect duplicates.

These tools rely on two back-end tools:

Interactive Model Trainer

This tool allows to train the models that allow to identify subsets of the relevant data collections for a specific domain, or to label them with ad-hoc thematic information. Through a set of interactive tools available in the IMT it is possible to incorporate expert knowledge during model training, thus obtaining higher quality and more interpretable topics, These models are used by end-user tools (the STI Viewer, the STI Participation Portal and the Evaluation Workbench), providing their users with a more intuitive experience, closer to their knowledge and expectations (e.g., by identifying and labeling topics using an appropriate terminology).


It contains information about the datasets, services and models present in the IntelComp information space.

The catalogue provides to Data owners, Datasets Ingestors and Data Processors, with differents needs of datasets, a user-friendly web page with multiple user roles and actions to perform, to be available for analysis and to keep a record of tools used.