Artificial Intelligence Living Lab
The Artificial Intelligence Living Lab (AI LL), which has been entrusted to the Spanish State Secretariat for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence (SEDIA), addresses the primary objective of producing a full picture of the Science, Technology and Innovation in Artificial Intelligence ecosystem in Spain to optimise policy action by providing policymakers from different Public Administrations with information to understand the array of sectoral/technological/institutional potential driven by AI. As such, it would be possible to gain useful insights into how the different stakeholders making the AI ecosystem have evolved over the last few years, what their main prospects, main strengths, and weaknesses are, and how they are interrelating and cooperating. This approach is very much circular-based and considers innovation as a systemic phenomenon, where innovation outcomes and impacts are the results of multiple interactions and back-and-forth loops.
Additional to this primary goal, the AI LL has two complementary (secondary) goals:
- Fully and effectively involve the four different types of stakeholders making up the “quadruple helix” thus pushing forward new synergies.
- Serve as a useful instrument to meet the main Spanish strategic policy guidelines on AI, such as the Spanish National Strategy on Artificial Intelligence (ENIA).
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Related events

October 24. AI living lab kick-off event
IntelComp has celebrated its Artificial Intelligence Living Lab kick-off event at the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) in Alcobendas, Madrid. 53 people have attended the talks, organised by SEDIA (the Spanish Ministry for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence), whose common thread has been the Artificial Intelligence.

Consultation Workshop on STI Policy Needs. Domain: Artificial Intelligence
On June 8th 2021, the IntelComp Project organized one virtual Consultation Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policies in the Artificial Intelligence domain, dedicated to exploring the needs of STI policy makers and policy stakeholders in this domain.